Maximilllian Schmidt
Max grew up in rural Willamette Valley, Oregon and received his degree in Computer Systems from Oregon State University, EECS in 2019. He then spent two years at the Clackamas Education Service District assisting school districts across Clackamas County with enterprise level computing and infrastructure, before returning to OSU. Max's hybrid position with the OSU Open Source Lab and Center for Quantitative Life Sciences primarily focuses on delivering the services of a new community platform: the OpenPower Hub. In his free time Max spends it with family and friends, in his home lab tinkering on some sort of computer or electronics, backpacking, skiing, seeking the perfect IPA, or playing video games of a complex fashion.

In the realm of High Performance Computing (HPC), where many fields are looking to make advancements in every component of their industry, many turn to new emerging technologies to really make the difference. These include high performance OpenPOWER CPUs, datacenter GP-GPUs, large memory footprints, and specialized FPGAs. However, moving towards and integration of these new technologies can often be prohibitive either due to cost, time, complexity, lack of support, or any combination of these issues. Seeking to drive industry and research through collaboration and openness around many of these technologies, we introduce the OpenPOWER HUB - a community centralized place for the enablement and porting to OpenPOWER. The OpenPOWER HUB is a place where open source projects can freely test the OpenPOWER platform and all its collaborative resources.