OpenPOWER Summit 2021

Felix Eberhardt

Felix Eberhardt is a researcher at the Operating Systems and Middleware Chair of Prof. Andreas Polze at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam. His research interests are performance analysis and optimization for workloads in scale-up systems. He participated in several industry projects with IBM, SAP and in an european project (SSICLOPS).


Beyond Machine Boundaries: Experience with Memory Disaggregation
Andreas Grapentin, Felix Eberhardt

The disaggregation of system resources promises various benefits, such as an increased flexibility of provisioning, better consolidation of workloads, and higher limits for bursts of resource consumption.
Similarly to how storage in the datacenter tends to be combined into large pools to be shared across different machines, portions of main memory could be disaggregated and made available on demand as well.
This could have the potential of making memory disaggregation a bulding block of the future datacenter.
With Memory Inception, a disaggregation technology is announced for Power 10 systems, and an OpenCAPI-based prototype – ThymesisFlow – is already available.
In this talk, we will outline our experimental setup using two IC922 Power 9 machines connected with ThymesisFlow, as well as present a selection of the projects currently running in our lab that use this technology.
In particular, we will discuss what new challenges arise for scale-up workloads such as In-Memory Databases and show early measurements with Hyrise, an open source In-Memory Database developed for research.
